1. The brushed chrome curtain rod and rings came from Home Depot several years ago for about $25. I made the curtain panels out of white silk and pink linen. I used sheets for the lining and the fabric was on sale so they were about $10 a panel.
2. The dresser was bought at a thrift store for $100. It is solid wood and I LOVE the lines! It is definitely in need of a new paint job! I painted it with some leftover paint almost 4 years ago. The lamp was another GW find for $10. Small green frame was $1. The runner is actually two placemats also for $1. The other items were gifts.
3. The bedding: Quilt $40 and bed skirt $5 on clearance at Bombay kids. I made the green sham - for $3 in fabric, hot pink pillow was $5 from GW and the purple bolster pillow was $15 at a fabric store. The white pillow was a gift and the pink polka dotted quilt at the foot of the bed was a gift from Grandma. The head board was $5 at a thrift store. I painted it white when I painted the dresser and added $5 worth of pink vinyl in the inset. It’s hard to see in the picture. The “princess tent” as we call it was $5 at GW.
4. The bench was $30 at Unclaimed baggage. It came with a pink cushion, but I covered it with a green checked Pottery Barn curtain panel for $5 ( also bought at Unclaimed).
5. The side table also came from Unclaimed on another trip for $30 ( I have a lot of $30
furniture pieces...weird.) There’s another of the pink placemats. The lamp I bought recently at GW for $7. The purse frame was $1 at Hobby Lobby. I painted the canvas above the lamp. The cost for it was about $8.

6. Bookcase came from a seconds store for $30. It is originally from Target. I bought the pink bins at Target for $10 each, the white one from Kmart for $19 and the purple one from GW for $5. Lamp- GW $5 I found the beaded trim in my stash and added it to the shade. The picture frame was from Hobby Lobby. I think it was around $5. The blue polka dot vase came from Dollar General for $1. I made the framed bulletin board for $6, You can see that project HERE. The pink chair also came from GW (originally from Target) for $10. Hot pink rug was $10 at GW.
7. It’s hard to see this pink shelf ( I didn’t have time to take new pics- only used ones I took for real estate purposes!) but it came from GW also for $5. All the accessories are baby memorabilia or something I already had except for an original painting I bought at a craft show for $15 that is on top and the green polka dot potted hydrangea that was $2 for the pot and $4 for the hydrangea. My floral designer mom hooked me up by putting it all together for me.
The only other items in the room was a round mirror bought at Hobby Lobby for $10, two white pegs for $3 each from Target, an "E" painted pink from GW for $2 and a cute little iron table and chairs that she got from Grandmom for Christmas.
So, the grand total for the room? $476
Wow, I am impressed until I added it all up, I didn't even know how much it cost! I love to watch Decorating Cents and think it is amazing what they can do with $500. I guess I can do it, too. Hop on over to the Nester's party and check out other people's places!
What a delightful space...and what a brillant idea to use sheets for the lining! It always seems to me that the lining in a drapery project costs way too much...I'll remember this tip! Enjoy the space with your daughter...Janell
What a cute, fun room. Make's me wish I was 4! I particularly like the chair and book case. Nice job.
Charming, lovely, sweet room! My oldest will be 4 in December. :) Her room is still "baby" right now, but she'll be moving in with her little sister in the not too distant future, so I think I'll wait to redecorate...great ideas here! I love the little bench. :) Visiting from The Nester's party. :)
Such a fun girls room, has all the sweetness and spunk of a 4 yr. old!
Great room! I love all of your GW finds...very sweet room and I am sure your daughter loves it!
What a cute space! It's so sweet and little girlish, but I could see how you could easily transform it into a more grown-up space.
Very cute! I love the bookcase and the little chair, I'd been keeping my eye on that chair and it never went lower then one day it wasn't at Target anymore :( So sad! I wish I could find it at GW for 10 bucks! :)
What a lovely little girls room - great job!
The room looks fit for a princess!
Thanks for coming by. I hope to see you more and read your comments. I look forward to getting to know you.
I've never participated in one of her price my space parties but would like to.
great girlie room.
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