I just had to share my recent grocery deals with you! Since my family and I will be at the beach next week, I decided to stock up on some sale items.
Okay, here’s what I bought at Publix:
8 pack Sara Lee Hamburger buns
2- 6 packs of Jello
2 boxes Entenman’s (sp??)) muffins
Nabisco 100 Calorie Munch Pack
6 boxes Kraft Mac and Cheese
3 cans of Crystal Light drink mix
1 box of Crystal Light indivial drink mixes
1 bag of........waffle fries
4 cans of Chef Boyardee pasta
3 cans Van Camps pork and beans
1 can of Publix salt
2 Taco Bell dinner kits
3 boxes Uncle Bens Country rice sides
1 tub Public whipped butter
2 bottles Hunts Ketchup
1 can Reddiwhip topping
1 Nestle cookie dough
1 can Peter Pan peanut butter
1 bottle of Publix mineral oil ( I needed for my chop block, people...)
1 MAM bottle
2 bottles of French’s mustard
1 Gulden spicy mustard
3- 4 packs of Hunts Snack pack puddings
3- 10 packs of Capri Suns
1 box of 76 Pampers diapers
TOTAL: $131.59
Paid: $ 71.06
SAVED: $60.53 PLUS I will receive a $10 Publix gift card in the mail from a rebate!!
I’m good with that!
Then, I had to go to Kroger and get a few deals there:
Here’s what I bought at Kroger:
1- 31 pack of Huggies Diapers
1- 12 pack of Huggies Little Swimmers Diapers
4- 12 packs of Diet Cokes
1 tube of Colgate toothpaste
2 jars of Gerber Graduates carrots
1 bouquet of lime green mums (love these!! Check out my post on Monday when I join Rhoda at Southern Hospitality for her Thrifty Monday Party, to see what I did with these! )
TOTAL: $46.26
Paid: $27.02
SAVED: $19.24
So now, we have Diet Cokes, diapers, Mac and cheese and condiments to last us awhile!! I mean, what else do we need??
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