Thursday, March 31, 2011

Old Bonus Room

Didn't I mention that I was painting my kitchen cabinets? Yeah, well, they are painted, but the distressing is still not done. So no pics, yet. Sorry.

In my last post, I showed part of our recent house rearrange which included moving both of the boys to the previous bonus room. The bonus room was a tough room that I finally got looking the way I wanted it ... and then we decided to put the boys in there. I had some pics I took of the room in it's former life that I thought I would share.

I only have one before pic and it is a horrible quality since I took them with my phone. But, hey that just makes for an even better after, huh? : ) You'll also notice that I did not clean up for the pic... mainly because I took it right before we tore the room apart to paint and add chair rail molding. (By the way, the paint was a $5 gallon of oops paint from Lowe's. Half my house is painted with oops paint. )



(I know, just the mess off the floor makes a difference!) We pretty much kept the same layout we had before but moved the kids area behind the couch to cut out on some that visual mess I was just mentioning.

This is the play area behind the couch. I love love love that rug. I scored it at Target on super clearance for around 30 bucks about a year ago.

Office area:

And, one of my favorite spots. I wanted to do this embroidery hoop art somewhere and this seemed to be a perfect spot. After scoring the hoops at a yard sale for like a hundred of them for $1, I decided to go for it. I think I added one more on the right side by the wall after taking this pic, though. The green lamps came from Walmart for $15 a piece and the shades were from Ross for like $4.99 each. This dresser and the armoire in the previous picture both were in our bedroom at some point.

It was a great bonus room. It is way more functional now as the boys' room, though!

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