Thursday, May 3, 2012
Monday, March 19, 2012
A Cover Up

Wednesday, February 15, 2012
I just recently uploaded family pictures from Christmas. Sad, I know.
My husband and I kept saying that this was the best Christmas we've had yet!
I made a new Advent Calendar this year. Loved it.
I put a verse and a piece of candy for each child in each cone.
We went on our yearly family trip to Gatlinburg.
It was a blast! Emma took this pic of her big brother while we were there.
Oh my he is growing up way too fast! His little brother isn't too far behind him. He had his Christmas program at preschool.
I don't think he sang a word.
The kids got there traditional Christmas Eve pajamas. I lucked out and found the Elf and Santa ones at Crazy 8 on clearance. Score!
The kids seemed to be really excited about their presents this year.
Hope you had a great Christmas...2 months ago! : )
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
An American Girl
So, I'm a little late in posting about my girl's birthday, but better late than never, right? Emma loves American Girl dolls and since the closest store is about 5 hours away, we decided to make a little trip out of it. She invited a friend and we stayed in a hotel where they even provided accommodations for the dolls. They giggled, learned to braid hair and ate cookies and milk.
The next day, we spent a few hours at the store and had brunch in the American Girl Bistro.
She spent way too much money, but it was her money and her day, so I let her enjoy it!
It was a great trip, but we were all tired!
So, that's how her 7th birthday went down. Can't believe it has been that long since she was born. Where does the time go?
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Birthday Boy #2

Thursday, October 13, 2011
Birthday Boy #1

"By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another."-John 13:35
Monday, August 29, 2011
Back to the old routine
Well, summer break is officially over although the weather stuck around! : ) My kids had lots of fun this summer and of course, every year, it seems to go by faster and faster.
This summer, we made our first summer list.
We marked off MOST of them. There are still a few left- one of which is potty-train my new 3 year old.
We spent lots of time on the waterslide.
We had our Back to School family night a couple weeks ago. We did this last year and the kids loved it!
Emma was in charge of decorations. She drew placemats on the paper tablecloth.
She also taped up little pictures she drew of school supplies.
I scored some lunch trays at GW several months ago.
Of course, we had to have rectangular pizza and corn.
Konnor always tries to close his eyes when I take a picture.
We talked about the new school year and how K and E could be an example of Christ to their friends and teachers.
After dinner, we made pencil cups out of old soup cans and scrapbooking supplies.
Then, the first day of school arrived. Emma started 1st grade and Konnor started 3rd.
Little Brady is still in pre-school!
We are looking forward to a great year ahead!